OCTOBER 15-16, 2022

Letter to Sponsors

Greetings Prospective Sponsor,

Thank you for taking the time to review UBEAR, Inc., Proposal to partner with us as we bring the Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament to Las Vegas.

UBEAR, Inc., You Be Educated, Athletic, and Resourceful, Incorporated, is a non-profit (501c3) organization whose purpose is to impact disenfranchised youth in the Valley through the acronyms listed for UBEAR ~

We have partnered with Scott McNeal, the Gus Macker brand, to bring the Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament to Las Vegas October 15-16, 2022 (set-up October 13th; Check-in and Basketball Clinic – October 14th). We desire to get an overabundance of resources under one event and do so while playing basketball. Through this fundraising endeavor, we will be able to give back to the youth programs in the community financially!

To give you a little insight on the Gus Macker: it is the “original” 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the United States ( Macker Promotional Video). Since its inception in 1974, Macker tournaments have produced revenue, resources, and relationships for all who participate in its games. From ages 8 to 108, children young at heart are welcome to play.

We seek your support via one of our Sponsorship/Partnership Packages which range from Platinum to Participation. Each package provides a unique identity that we know will be a blessing to your company and all those who follow basketball. Don’t hesitate to contact us at for a sponsorship package. We appreciate your sponsorship as you make your check payable to UBEARINC.

Thank you again for your time, and we look forward to partnering with your company.


Tracy M. Byrd

Tracy M. Byrd, Coordinator
2022 Las Vegas Gus Macker

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
“Think Big”

U B.E.A.R., Inc. Board Members

Jacquelyn Denby – Chairman
Sheila Harris – Secretary
Olivia Williams-Taylor – Treasurer

Las Vegas Gus Macker
3-0n-3 Basketball Tournament